Canadian Natural Resources and the PONTIACS Team Up With CNR

Canadian Natural Resources are the proud sponsors of the Bonnyville PONTIACS “Respect – It Is The Name of Our Game” presentations which are delivered to Lakeland area schools throughout the 2015/16 AJHL season.

Throughout the months of January, February and March the PONTIACS will attend numerous other schools to deliver this extremely important message to our community youth.

The Bonnyville PONTIACS have been a major part of the Lakeland School Bullying Awareness and RESPECT Programs which  delivers important life skills messages involving the troubling issues of  Bullying Awareness over the past six years. Through the generous support of Canadian Natural Resources this program has allowed the Bonnyville PONTIACS to generate a great deal of positive feedback from the life lessons delivered, within the Lakeland School community students.

With the Bonnyville PONTIACS, we strongly encourage our players to learn and embrace teamwork which involves sacrifice for one another in pursuit of the ‘bigger picture’ in sports and in life. In a team setting, we encourage all of our players to choose and become solid role models and to get involved in helping others everyday – to learn and embrace important character attributes such as accountability, pride, and selflessness in pursuit of a 'larger perspective’ in life.

The yearly commitment from Canadian Natural Resources has allowed our players to continue to reach impressionable youth through discussions  involving the issues surrounding bullying and substance abuse. The presentations provided, not only can have a positive lasting impact on young students,  the influence is significantly increased especially when the message is delivered by a positive role model.

The Bonnyville PONTIACS present to approximately 1200 students every year in a classroom setting and are passionate about reinforcing the importance of treating others with respect.