CALGARY, Alta. – Hockey Canada has announced that former Canadian Junior Hockey League Chairman Kirk Lamb was one of two new directors named to its Executive Board following the conclusion of its Winter Congress and Annual Meeting that wrapped up Saturday in Toronto.
Lamb, based in Calgary, along with Randy Henderson of Prince George, B.C. were the two new Hockey Canada directors named and will join six others who re-elected to two-year terms.
Those individuals are Al Hubbs (Indian Head, Sask.), Réal Langlais (Delson, Que.), Randy Pulsifer (Stillwater Lake, N.S.), Ed Pupich (Schumacher, Ont.), Barry Reynard (Dawson Creek, B.C.) and Goops Wooldridge (Milton Station, P.E.I).
Hockey Canada also announced that Michael Brind’Amour (Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Que.) was elected as chair of the board of directors on a two-year term.
Brind’Amour replaces CJHL Life Member and former long-time Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League Commissioner Joe Drago, whose second term as chair had come to an end.
Drago, who hails from Sudbury, Ont., served two terms as Hockey Canada chair of the board, the maximum allowable term for the position.
Hockey Canada extend their appreciation to Mr. Drago for his significant contributions to the game.