The Bonnyville PONTIACS are extremely proud to announce that Levi ANSELL is the Alberta Junior Hockey League recipient of the Royal Bank of Canada Junior’ A’ Scholarship. This scholarship program is designed to provide an opportunity for Junior ‘A’ players to apply for an educational scholarship based on their academic accomplishments and involvement with community service.
“Levi leads by example and whatever expectations he has of others he first expects it from himself. As one of our team captains he holds himself to a high standard both on and off the ice in order to represent our organization in a manner beyond reproach.” “Levi does what needs to be done, does it when it has to be done, does it to the best of his ability (100% of the time) and does things that way all of the time.”
“Levi is a tireless worker off the ice through his approach to his school as well as volunteering in the community. He is an honor student and his S.A.T. scores are considered elite.” His community involvement includes volunteering at the Centennial School teaching grades 3 to 6 students, Dr. BROSSEAU School – Playground set-up, Town of Bonnyville Safety Initiative on Halloween, Bonnyville Centralized High School’s “Santa’s Elves” Toy Drive, Lakeland Food Bank Orion Esso Drive, DUCLOS School Literary Program, Moose Lake Senior’s boat launch removal, Bonnyville Senior’s house move, Weekly Team Leadership Training / Meetings, Bonnyville Minor Hockey Association student coach mentorship, Lakeland School District “Anti-Bullying” lectures/presentations, Kids Sport Fun Skate, Bonnyville Community Learning Council, Bonnyville Minor Hockey Association Goaltender Skills Clinic and Hockey Ministries International. Levi also plays senior men’s soccer as well as coach’s minor soccer. Levi is actively involved in his church (Cold Lake Community Baptist). At organization functions, Levi is the exception and will always stay until the very end to clean up and help out the volunteers before he goes home.
“His dedication to ‘giving back’ is an amazing accomplishment to say the least considering that he has committed six days a week playing in the most competitive and demanding junior hockey league in the CJHL.” Levi also works part-time with Cold Lake Movers.Levi will be attending the University of Alberta this September studying Kinesiology.
The Bonnyville PONTIACS, the community and our fans are proud of your accomplishment Levi. Congratulations and well-deserved.