Hockey Ministries

Hockey Ministries International is proud to partner with the AJHL by offering our services to each team in the league. HMI’s hockey chapel programs are a core component of HMI’s ministry, requiring the participation of a chapel leader.  A chapel leader is an individual who is a safe spiritual and emotional resource person for players, personnel and the families involved with a Hockey Club regardless of personal church or non-church perspective.  These chapel leaders explain Biblical principles that can help players deal with challenges on and off the ice.  HMI chapel leaders keep a strict confidentiality with the players and do not disclose details of player interactions with the coaching staff.  All HMI chapel leader candidates are carefully vetted through a multi-stage application process and must provide a current criminal record check before being allowed to interact with players.

The optional chapels offered by the chapel leaders to players are interactive sessions that provide a message, a prayer time, and an opportunity to talk about what is going on in their own lives; topics that matter to them; problems with which they struggle.  The chapel program is entirely voluntary; teams have the option to offer chapels to their players and the players can decide if they want to attend.  Since Hockey Ministries International exists to serve players and coaches, we make it a priority to accommodate the demanding schedules of the current hockey culture by holding chapels at convenient times and locations for the team. The chapel program is fully funded through Hockey Ministries International and is a free service to all the AJHL teams.

Learn more about Hockey Ministries International:

Tim Wiebe  HMI Alberta Director