Professional hockey goalies have always been considered somewhat of a different breed and Ben Scrivens likely wouldn’t argue with that thought too much. After all, he does stand in front of pucks traveling upwards of 100 mph night after night in order to earn a paycheque, but at the same time, the graduate of the Spruce Grove Saints (27-12-2 in the 2005-06 season) junior A hockey program likely wouldn’t have it any other way.
Especially since he now earns his living under the sunny skies of Los Angeles, California.
Needless to say, the guy that grew up in Spruce Grove playing in the minor hockey system said he is loving life in LA, although he’s not exactly living the dream as some would think. You see, there’s no convertible sports car for Scrivens to ride around in. No luxurious beachfront home. No high-flying social scene. No, he remains to this day the guy that left Spruce Grove for Cornell University before making his way into the NHL as a free agent in the Toronto Maple Leafs system.
So about living the dream life of a jet-setting athlete in the glamour world of Los Angeles, Scrivens laughed and said that wasn’t the case with him.
Full Story from the Spruce Grove Examiner